Feb 28, 2010

Special Olympics

Alexis participated in the freestyle assisted with flotation and the backstroke assisted with flotation. She got third in both races. We are so proud of her. When it comes to swimming she doesn't go very fast because she doesn't want to get out of the pool.
Showering after the race. She hates showers. I made her smile for me.
After wards with part of her cheer team. Grandma Burton, Grandpa Burton, Daddy and Emily had left by the time we took our picture.
The proud winner. She always says, "I win! I win!" I love Special Olympics. I get emotional every time.


We took Alexis to her annual eye exam. We have been seeing Dr. Archer for 10 years I think. For a few years we didn't see him. He performed her two eye surgeries and diagnosed her Brown Syndrome.

She did so well. When she was younger, I had to have her sit in my lap and she did not cooperate very well. So I was amazed at her behavior this time. I guess she is growing up.

Protecting her dilated pupils.
Ta Da! New glasses. She doesn't keep them on very well. We will have to get used to them.

Feb 1, 2010


I wish there was a way to help Alexis learn better hygiene. Every morning I get her up and right away she goes to the bathroom and gets into the tub. I wash her hair and then her body. I do this everyday that she is at home (she goes to her dad's every other weekend). Yet every day she hollers and cries about how it hurts when I wash her. She says "ow my boobies!" which is inappropriate. I ask her if I am touching that and she says "no". I then ask her what I am cleaning and then she says "ow my (whatever I am cleaning)!" It is so frustrating.

Then a few hours later she has body odor again. In the beginning it wasn't so bad and she has only been potty trained for two years, but she is getting older fast and other people are noticing. I have talked to a mother of an older girl who also has 1p36 and she told me that body odor will always be a problem. sigh